Navigating change: How effective project management secures technological advantage and strengthens innovative power

Staying on course together: The daily work of a project manager at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems is very diverse and dynamic. Together with his team, Jan Hendrik oversees project management at the company and provides an insight into his professional field.

Female leadership or leadership: Do we need a gender for leadership?

On average, more women are in the workforce. Yet only one of three leaders is a woman. How can this be? And do we even need a gender for leadership? We spoke to three female executives at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems.

Our Faces of Recruiting – Finding the right fit between personality and skill set

As a recruiter in the Human Resources department at ATLAS ELEKTRONIK, Steffen explains what he is looking for in job applications.

On a mission of safety - the responsibilities of the fire department at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems

The on-site fire department of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems ensures safety and fire protection at the shipyard in Kiel.

Our Faces of Recruiting - The recruiting process at thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and ATLAS ELEKTRONIK

As a recruiter in the Human Resources department at ATLAS ELEKTRONIK, Pia finds out what motivates and drives applicants. The perfect job for her, as she has always enjoyed working with people.

A Day in a Life: Svenja connects her organizational talent with a supportive mindset

Stepping out of your comfort zone - that's part of Svenja's daily work routine. With her organizational talent, she supports others in their career paths in the Human Resource Department at ATLAS ELEKTRONIK.

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